Our impact
to date.

  • We have placed over 177 Service dogs across Australia since 2019.
  • We actively support 130 Service Dogs, their Veteran Handlers and families.
  • Significant reduction in rates of hospitalisation or clinical admissions.

Give with confidence. Your donation allows us to select, purchase and train these incredible dogs, providing our dedicated Veterans and First Responders with life saving support, and a life-long bond. The investment in each dog is $65,000… Every donation makes a positive impact.


Choose an amount to give:


Nominate a project for your donation:


We are raising funds to support these projects in 2024.

  1. Goal

    Our epic care journeys

    • 34,000kms
    • 10 flights
    • 130 dogs
    • 200 tanks of diesel
    • Gungelin, Gunning, Gold Coast…
    Read more
    $83.30 donated of $300,000.00 goal
  2. Goal

    Advanced PTSD training school

    Funding for 3 dogs to complete training.

    12-16 weeks of personalised training for each young dog learning specific skills to support a Handler living with PTSD.

    Read more
    $30.00 donated of $45,000.00 goal
  3. Goal

    Emergency needs of our Service dogs

    • Vet bills
    • Insurance
    • Dental care
    • Care flights

    We never know when one of our dogs is going to need our help.

    Read more
    $326.00 donated of $15,000.00 goal

Legacy giving.

The future of our Veterans and First Responders struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is uncertain, but with your help we can continue to support them (and their families) and provide hope for the future.

A gift in your Will to Integra Service Dogs Australia trading as LifeUnleashed will enable us to continue transforming and enriching the lives of our Veterans and First Responders through the provision of a highly skilled Labrador Service Dogs.

Any size of bequest, or gift in your will create a positive impact for our Veterans and First Responder struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by helping them access one of our incredible Service Dogs. Our life changing work relies on the kindness of dog lovers like you.

To find out more please request Gift in Will information pack below:

Gift in Will information pack request:

How your bequest lives on – impact of your gift.

By including a bequest in your will to Integra Service Dogs Australia, you will be helping us support more Veterans and First Responders struggling with PTSD caused by trauma during service.

Your gift will help us purchase, train and place our incredible Service Dogs in their forever homes.